As many of you may, or may not know, All of my movies are VERY similar to the widely popular Awesome series by Egoraptor, and you are all right, they are indeed very similar. The thing is, I'm not TRYING to make it look like Ego's work, I'm not trying to bite off of his style, and I'm not trying to be the "Next Egoraptor".
This IS my style. It always has been, and though it doesn't look as clean or sharp as I'd like it to be, I have always had that style of sketchy/crappy art, the one major difference between my art and Ego's is that he "Draws badly" (So says he :p) on purpose, I just suck at drawing in Flash :p
Anyway, I'm not asking you guys to love my work, I'm not even asking you to LIKE it, but please, STOP saying that I'm ripping off of Ego, I am NOT, and I'm not trying to.
Thanks for listening.
Half the population of the planet draws like this. It's called not being very good. Does that mean you suck? No, not at all, it just means you have a way to go.
Anyway, I believe you're not ripping Egoraptor off. Egoraptor did not invent bad drawings.